HML - Holiday Moments Ltd
HML stands for Holiday Moments Ltd
Here you will find, what does HML stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Holiday Moments Ltd? Holiday Moments Ltd can be abbreviated as HML What does HML stand for? HML stands for Holiday Moments Ltd. What does Holiday Moments Ltd mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in London, Greater London engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of HML
- Helping Mold Leaders
- light helicopter squadron
- hard mobile launcher
- Hero Motocorp Ltd
- Hindustan Motors Ltd
- Harper Macleod LLP
- Health Management Ltd
- Hunter Macdonald Ltd
View 94 other definitions of HML on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HMA Headway Marketing Agency
- HMR Hotel Madurai Residency
- HCL Host Compliance LLC
- HM House of Marie
- HGI Housing Group Investments
- HW Homeless in Waterloo
- HCPAP HCP Aboard Publishing
- HSC The Hearth at Stones Crossing
- HIED HI Experience Design
- HVH Hampton Veterinary Hospital
- HL Home in Love
- HMII Horace Mann Investors Inc
- HNH Historic New Harmony
- HPT Holy Places Tv
- HLI Harmony Logistics Inc
- HWM Hunter Wealth Management
- HY Home and You
- HCCP Hunter Connect Compounding Pharmacy
- HHRS Helping Heroes Rehabilitation Service
- HBC Harlem Brewing Company